Billye Matthews Coaching
Painting by Sue Nell Mock
This picture is much more than mere decoration. It is symbolic. Looking beyond the gate and going through is a metaphor for life. Do we eagerly want to see what’s on the other side? Or are we afraid to look, afraid to keep going down the path, afraid to see what’s around the corner?
To live life to its fullest is to be curious and hopeful, looking forward, growing daily, taking steps that bring us closer to our goals. But many of us find we are stuck, unable or unwilling to take the next step. I was once that person. Trauma had me in its grip and even though I wanted to move forward I couldn’t. I was able to reach out for help and found very practical, non-traumatizing tools that helped me heal. I learned how to listen to my body and how to nourish myself on all levels.
This program is designed to bring inspiration and ideas that will beneficially impact every aspect of your life. The classes will teach you how to respond instead of react. You will gain wisdom to make better decisions. And you will develop strength to deal with everyday conflicts in a way that is beneficial to all involved. Some of these toxic cycles might have gone on for years. You will learn how to defuse the automatic responses caused by past wounds and respond with compassion for others and for yourself. Trauma relief classes will provide support and ideas to help you get unstuck and shift perspective.
Trauma is anything that puts us into “survival mode.” We perceive we are being threatened in some way. Everyone has some trauma. Trauma can be caused by something that you experience yourself, or something that you see happening to someone else. There are big traumas and small traumas.
Trauma causes 3 reactions, fight, flight or freeze. Our bodies are not always able to complete the process of fighting or fleeing. When this happens we freeze. The energy that should have dissipated becomes stored in our body. Our body doesn’t know when the danger has passed so we live in constant arousal with our nervous system on high alert. Remaining in this state of arousal leads to many different health issues.
Birth trauma occurs in many different situations. The birthing mother could need an unexpected Cesarean Section, there could be conflicts with family or caregivers, sickness or loss of baby, very long or difficult labors, and fears. Some mothers develop PTSD symptoms from birth trauma. Families and caregivers may also experience vicarious trauma, also called secondary trauma, from watching someone else experience trauma.
© Billye Matthews 2023. All rights reserved.