6 weeks. First session 1.5 hours. Others are 1 hour. $390.
Week 1: Learn to know your body. Where your body is activated. What things might trigger activation. How to release the stored energy. Learn to reset your vagus nerve.
Week 2: Continue to observe activation. Learn techniques to release deeper trapped energy. Find resources to help decrease stress.
Week 3: Learn more about your bodily responses. Experience how to self-soothe. Discuss body sensations and reactions and learn how to stay present when uncomfortable.
Week 4: Finding your body in space. Grounding. How sound can help rest nerves. Movement to release activation.
Week 5: Focused, purposeful movement. Thinking about your misconceptions around your trauma
Week 6: Putting it all together. Resources. Lifestyle changes for nervous system repair. Techniques with partners.
BIRTH TRAUMA: $60 per session
Further classes for moms and birth workers with birth trauma.
BIRTH TRAUMA GROUP WORKSHOP: cost to be determined.
For midwives, nurses, doctors, and doulas. One day workshop (6-8 hours).
Specific for vicarious trauma and how to release it. Self-care after vicarious trauma.
ADVANCED CLASSES: More sessions as desired.
Learning more tools for nervous system repair. Tools for self-motivation.
What people are saying
“ Hi Billye, I just wanted to let you know that our baby girl was born at home in a beautiful water birth in November 2022. She is just perfect! I have not experienced any anxiety attacks like in previous post partum experiences. I am grateful for all I have learned from you, as the techniques have helped and continue to help with everyday anxiety and feelings of being overwhelmed. I am treasuring this time with my little newborn. Thank you again for taking the time to assist me in my pregnancy and birth experience!! I am also grateful to have the essential oils with me. I truly appreciate you!! ”
—S. H. Arizona, 2022
First I would like to thank Billye again for learning this technique to share with others on how to identify trauma and safe ways to handle trauma from the past as well as daily life. The most important thing for me was that it was all done in a professional manner that did not require verbally going back over years of trauma! I still use the techniques. I still identify big T trauma from little t trauma and apply appropriate training. For the love, respect, and non-judgmental support from Billye that I received I'd say she comes highly recommended!
Thanks, B. G. Idaho, 2022
© Billye Matthews 2023. All rights reserved.