As a midwife and professional health care provider for over 40 years, I have experienced stress and trauma, like everyone else. My work experiences both in and out of the hospital have ranged from beautiful, and uplifting, to extremely challenging and traumatizing. On my path toward healing from trauma I’ve attended workshops and trainings, read many books, helped families work though trauma, and done in-depth work with my own traumas. I have learned so much that helped me and I want to share with you. I'm not a mental health therapist or counselor, I am a coach—which means I don’t diagnose or treat anyone. I believe that each person has the privilege and responsibility to make decisions for themselve. We can decide to move forward and we can decide to get help. We don't have to remain stuck. It is our choice. In taking responsibility for our own health, mental, physical, or spiritual, we grow and learn. Even tiny steps have the ability to make large changes in our lives. Taking personal responsibility is just one step. One that truly frees us and enables us to lead a full and contented life.